花镜 博士/助理研究员
2021年12月博士毕业于瑞典吕勒奥工业大学,获2021年国家优秀自费留学生奖学金。主要研究方向为绿色润滑、油膜厚度数值计算和智能摩擦控制。现主持Bwin必赢线路检测中心高级人才启动基金和清华大学高端装备界面科学于技术全国重点实验室开放基金。在Nano Energy、Tribology International等期刊上发表论文10余篇,引用180余次。
1. Hua, Jing, et al. "A smart friction control strategy enabled by CO2 absorption and desorption." Scientific reports 9.1 (2019): 1-8
2. Hua, Jing, et al. "Controllable friction of green ionic liquids via environmental humidity." Advanced Engineering Materials 22.5 (2020): 1901253.
3. Xi, Yinhu, Hua, Jing, and Shi, Yijun. "Noncontact triboelectric nanogenerator for human motion monitoring and energy harvesting." Nano Energy 69 (2020): 104390. 4. Hua, Jing, et al. "Controlling friction in Ionic Liquid/Glycerol Aqueous Solution lubricated contacts by adjusting CO2 and water content." Tribology International 161 (2021): 107070.
5. Hua, Jing, et al. "Controllable superlubricity achieved with mixtures of green ionic liquid and glycerol aqueous solution via humidity. " Journal of Molecular Liquids 245(2021):117860.